Commands for optical memory devices ERASE(10) command MEDIUM SCAN command

16.2.2 ERASE(12) command

The ERASE(12) command (see table 301) requests that the target erase the specified number of blocks starting at the specified logical block address on the medium.

Table 301 - ERASE(12) command

|  Bit|   7    |   6    |   5    |   4    |   3    |   2    |   1    |   0    |
|Byte |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| 0   |                           Operation code (ACh)                        |
| 1   |   Logical unit number    |     Reserved    |  ERA   |Reserved| RelAdr |
| 2   | (MSB)                                                                 |
|---------                                                                 ---|
| 3   |                                                                       |
|---------                        Logical block address                    ---|
| 4   |                                                                       |
|---------                                                                 ---|
| 5   |                                                                 (LSB) |
| 6   | (MSB)                                                                 |
|---------                                                                 ---|
| 7   |                                                                       |
|---------                        Transfer length                          ---|
| 8   |                                                                       |
|---------                                                                 ---|
| 9   |                                                                 (LSB) |
| 10  |                           Reserved                                    |
| 11  |                           Control                                     |
See the ERASE(10) command (16.2.1) for a description of the fields in this command.